Waterdrop C1H Instant Hot Water Reverse Osmosis System


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SKU: countertop-instant-hot-ro-system-corero-system-c1h-1604613765 Categories: , Tags: , , , , Vendor: Submerge Shop


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Waterdrop CoreRO Systems Launch
Worry-Free Trial | Up to 20% Off
Your First Countertop RO Choice


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Get the highlights.

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5-stage RO Filtration.
2:1 Low Drain Ratio
2:1 Low Drain Ratio
3s Instant Hot.
Instant Heating to Meet Every Needs
  • It takes just 3 seconds to get instant hot water for your soothing teas, refereshing
    coffees, and everything else. With the adjustable temperature& volume settings, this
    countertop instant heating RO system is perfect for every occassion.

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Remember Your Exclusive Hobbies
  • You get 5 temperature and volume options, alongside a Favorite Mode where you can set your
    preferred temperature and volume. With the versatility of this countertop RO system, you can
    now enjoy a perfect cup of water whenever and wherever.
2:1 Low Drain Ratio
Easy to Operate.

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5 Temperature Options
Room temp
Fresh water
Baby formula
Waterdrop CoreRO Systems Launch
Waterdrop CoreRO Systems Launch
Waterdrop CoreRO Systems Launch
Waterdrop CoreRO Systems Launch
Waterdrop CoreRO Systems Launch

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5 Water Volume Options

Easy to Operate.

Easy to Operate.

Easy to Operate.

Easy to Operate.

Easy to Operate.

Fits Every Countertop.

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Installation-free Design
Put in anywhere you want


Living room



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Protect the environment.
2:1 Low Drain Ratio
3:1 Low Drain Ratio
  • Dispensing 3 cups of clean water results in just 1 cup of wastewater, maximizing water
    savings and delivering significant environmental benefits.
Purity in Every Drop
  • Twist and pull design. Easy for filter replacement.
  • 12-month long service life. Just pay 0.2 dollars every day, and you can continuously
    enjoy a convenient water purification experience.
2:1 Low Drain Ratio


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Choose Your Perfect Countertop RO System
Waterdrop CoreRO Systems Launch



USD 299

75 GPD

Instant Hot Water

5-stage Deep Filtration

5-mode Customizable Water

5-mode Temperature Options

41-203 °F/5-95°C

Smart Display

3: 1 Pure to Drain Ration

Buy now




USD 249

75 GPD

5-stage Deep Filtration

5-mode Customizable Water

41-100 °F/5-38°C

Smart Display

3: 1 Pure to Drain Ration

Buy now



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Customer rating
Daily Production Rate 75 GPD 75 GPD 100 GPD 75 GPD 75 GPD 75 GPD
Pure to Drain Rate


Drain ratio stands for the ratio of wastewater and
purified water dispensed by a RO system. For example, the 3:1 drain ratio means it uses
up a gallon of wastewater for every 3 gallons of pure water you get.

Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate Pure to Drain Rate
Display Filter lifespan & Water volume & Water temperature Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume & Water temperature Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume & Water temperature Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume Filter lifespan & TDS & Water volume
Water Capacity Options 5 5 5 5 4 4
Water Tank Capacity 110 OZ 110 OZ 204 Oz 170 Oz 170 Oz 135 oz
Electricity Required
Need Installation × × × × × ×
Filter Cartridges WD-C1RF WD-C1RF <!– –>

<!– –>



Filter Lifespan 12 Mths 12 Mths WD-A1-CF: 6 Months
WD-A1-RO: 12 Months
12 Mths 12 Mths CF-6 Mths
MRO-18 Mths
Dimensions (inch) 15.6” *10.9” *17.0” 15.6” *10.9” *17.0” 18.3” *7.8” *17.1” 15.51″ * 9.2″ * 17.56″ 15.51″ * 9.2″ * 17.56″ 17.1×7.0×15.5

Size (L*W*H)
15.6" *10.9" *17.0"

Feed Water Temperature
41-100 °F/5-38°C

Daily Production Rate
75 GPD

Feed Water Requirement
Municipal Tap Water

1700 W

System Voltage

Rated Frequency
50-60 Hz

Feed Water Tank Capacity

Pure water tank Capacity
1L/0.26 G

What is the filtration performance of the RO water system?

This countertop RO water filter uses a multi-stage filtration process to
reduce impurities, including sediments, chlorine, fluoride, and others. It effectively reduces over 99%
of dissolved solids from your tap water, delivering crisp, clean drinking water.

How long does the filtration system last before needing a replacement?

The lifespan of the filter depends on usage and local water quality, but
typically it should be replaced every 12 months.

How can I use its inner pure water tank?

The tank can be removed from the system and you can put it in the
refrigerator for a variety of drinking needs. At the same time, its 40oz capacity can meet your daily
water consumption, so that you can enjoy pure water more conveniently.

Can I use Settings to get the volume of water I want?

Yes!This Countertop RO has a smart touch screen for TDS real-time
displaying and filter life monitoring. Enjoy the convenience of 5 adjustable water volumes and
temperatures to remember your favorite patterns through custom settings.

What is the temp range for the hot water produced by the RO system?

The hot water temperature can be adjusted between room temp to 203°F,
providing you with pure water ideal for tea or coffee. It heats up rapidly, ensuring you have access to
hot water in seconds.

CF filter

WD-C1RF Replacement for CoreRO Countertop System

  • Provides you with 12 months or 1,000 gallons of clean filtered water.
  • Replace the water filter in 3 seconds with a single twist. No tools are required.
  • Reduce most contaminants and improves the taste of water.
Total price: $59.00
Total price: $59.00



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Waterdrop C1H Instant Hot Water  Reverse Osmosis System Waterdrop C1H Instant Hot Water Reverse Osmosis System
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